S12X and XGATE Cross Development

Software's S12X and XGATE
Development Tool Suite
delivers the features and
performance needed to create
cutting edge applications.
These tools are focused
on leveraging the unique
benefits of the S12X microcontroller
family and XGATE module,
while maintaining a standardized
easy to use programming
The NXP S12X family
introduces the performance boosting
XGATE module. The XGATE module is
a peripheral co-processor that allows
autonomous data transfers between
the MCU’s peripherals and the
internal RAM. It has a built in RISC
core that is able to pre-process
the transferred data and perform
complex communication protocols.
This co-processor module is designed
to increase the MCU’s data
throughput by lowering the S12X CPU’s
interrupt load. Cosmic's S12X and
XGATE development tools provide users
one integrated development and debugging
environment that supports both processors
using one project and programmable
Software works closely with
many leading third party
hardware and software providers
to ensure seamless integration
between products giving users
the freedom to choose the
tool combination that will
bring them success.
Software is committed to providing
its customers a toolset with
the flexibility, stability
and performance that will help
them bring their products to
market on time, under budget
and with greater innovations.
Cosmic's development tools
for NXP's S12X microcontroller
and XGATE module include C
Cross Compiler/Assembler, IDEA
development environment, and ZAP Debuggers.
Now supporting mask set L15Y