Technical Support Overview
With product deadlines shrinking your time is even more valuable than ever before.
We know you cannot afford to waste time waiting for help. To get your project done you need the
best tools and support available. Cosmic's support team is experienced, motivated and here to
help. Our Technical Support Staff will provide you with the tools needed to bring
your project in on time and under budget. Registered Cosmic users are eligible for the
- Installation Support
If you have any questions during the installation or configuration of our products please send us an email with your question or call for immediate assistance. Our technical support team is here to help you get started quickly so you can minimize your learning curve and maximize your efficiency.
- Support Releases and Workarounds
Time is vital to our customers and that is why we strive to address issues as soon as they arise. If a Cosmic program does not perform to its specification and a problem is discovered, we will apply our best efforts to correct the problem as quickly as possible. Cosmic will work closely with you to develop either a workaround or binary patch to keep you going until the next product release. In most cases this process takes one to three business days depending on the complexity.
- Free Upgrades
Cosmic Software knows that value is a vital part of business which is why we include free upgrades to our latest software in your initial year of support. Not only do we support the newest upgrade we also support the previous version during the length of your agreement giving you the choice to either continue with your current version or move up to the latest.
- Enhancement Suggestions
Cosmic Software is interested in what our customers are doing and what we can do to help. To ensure that our tools are what you need we provide you the opportunity to influence the direction of our products by suggesting enhancements or further capabilities.
- Rapid Response Times
We want our customers to know that we are committed to their success. Our support staff will make every effort to respond and resolve all reported issues during the same business day.
- Support Included
At Cosmic Software we know that you need to start work on your project as soon as possible. We believe that you should not have to worry about support issues. To help you do this we include a full year of Technical Support with your initial license purchase.